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EAST Algona

Real Estate and MLS Homes For Sale in Lakes Agent Insight Description of East Lake Rush Lake in the Lake Section of the Area Category.

Real Estate and MLS Homes For Sale in Alpha

Aaron Jones Provided By Aaron Jones. Click To Contact Aaron Jones


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Aaron Jones

Cell: 123.475.4564

Janie Eick

Cell: 712.339.0574

Community Updates

Jimmy John's

Jimmy John's in Arnolds Park

We slice our all-natural meats and fresh veggies in-house every day. Our fresh-baked bread is made right here where you can see it, and our house-made tuna salad is fresh every day. The flavor of a ripe tomato, crisp shredded lettuce, combined with fresh-baked bread, fresh-sliced meat and real Hellmann's mayo - that's when the magic happens. Made with love every single day since 1983. That's Jimmy Fresh!

Consumers Lumber Company

Consumers Lumber Company in Spencer

Consumers Lumber Company is the only locally owned and operated building center in the area. They have been proudly serving the best builders and homeowners with the best materials and services since 1906.
They have locations in Spirit Lake and Spencer Iowa with a complete line of building materials and builder’s hardware. They also have full showrooms of millwork, stone, decking and cabinetry.
Dollars spent with Consumers Lumber stay in Dickinson and Clay counties. They support all the area schools and youth organizations along with several other community charities. Consumers Lumber Company is also very proud of the fact that their 15 employees have over 200 years of combined service to our company and that they all live, shop and play here.
They offer timely and accurate project bids and drawings to better serve the areas builders and homeowners. They also provide free and fast delivery to the four county area.


Nektar in Arnolds Park

Nectar is a fun, seasonal coffee shop, serving from a cute camper within walking distance to Arnolds Park Amusement Park! Nectar offers fresh-pressed juices, espresso drinks, REAL fruit smoothies, and baked treats - making Summer in Boji even better!

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